Saturday, October 15, 2011

There was a Boy ‘n
a Girl,
They were best friends for years
‘n years,
They could Talk for hours on the
Phone ‘n text each other for days,
When They were Together;
Not a single Sad Thought could
cross their Minds,
everything was Great, But One
The Boy did not Answer any Call
or Reply to any Text for a Day,
The Girl was worried that
something was Wrong..
at night She couldn’t Sleep.., She
was sitting in her Room Crying,
‘n It was then that She Realized
how much He Means to Her..?
The next Morning;
She woke Up from a Phone call.., It
was the Boy..
Boy : Hey..,
Girl : Im so glad that you Called Me,
What happened to you
yesterday ??
Boy : I was Busy
[ The GIRL Understood that;
Something was Wrong but could
not Ask]
Boy : You know..; We should Stop
Girl: What??.., But Why ??
Boy: I am Sorry, Bye..!
[He Disconnected the call, 'n She
Felt as If Somebody
had Slammed the door on Her
Everything else Flashed in Her
Tears :’(
Cars running by Her..
Roof of some building..’n Sunset..
She couldn’t understand
She started Feeling Lonely,
Dejected, ‘n broken..:’(
That was the answer to
everything! His words were
pouncing on her..
Her heart wanted to jump out!
He was the One..! “Why..??”
She Screamed at the Top of her
Then She made up Her Mind to
make a last Try to get Him Back..!
[She called Him Up]
Girl: hi…
Boy: Why are you calling Me?
Girl: I need to tell you Something..
Boy: Go Ahead.
Girl: I Just Wanted You to know
one thing before we stopped
Boy: Tell me..!
Girl: Are you All right?
[She broke off..!
She tried but may be he doesn't
really Care about Her,
She Thought!
She wasn't His friend in the first
Tears were slowly running Worst
She left the House with a Note..!
[5 hours later]
Phone Rang in the Boy’s Room,
It was the Girl’s Mum,
The girl was lying in the hospital,
Got hit by a Car, :’(
The Boy rushed to the Hospital
where She was.
She Opened Her Eyes with the
Boy’s name..,
He took her Hand..
Boy: Im so Sorry Its all my fault..!
I promise when U get better I’ll
make It up to You..
Girl: I wont get Better..
Boy: No..! No Don’t say that..
Girl: just tell me one thing Why did
you do it?
Boy told her that He had a Heart
problem ‘n
he did not want her to be
‘n there was a risk that he could
have Died..!
Boy: I did that because I…..I…..I
Love you..?
Girl : I LOVE YOU TOO..?
‘n After That her heart Stopped
She Died..! :’(
The Boy died 10 mins later from a
Heart Attack..:’(
He could not live with the thought
She died Because of Him.. :’(
-Moral (my own words)
If You Love Someone…;
Then Don’t Hold Back Your
because Love is The Reason to
Love is Beautiful Live with This
Felling ♥ ♥

Sunday, August 21, 2011


  • Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.
  • Don't cry over anyone who won't cry over you.
  • Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.
  • You can only go as far as you push.
  • Actions speak louder than words.
  • The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else.
  • Don't let the past hold you back; you're missing the good stuff.
  • Life's short. If you don't look around once in a while, you might miss it.
  • A best friend is like a four leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have.
  • If you think that the world means nothing, think again. You might mean the world to someone else. 
  • When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there
  • True friendship never ends.
  • Friends are forever.
  • Good friends are like stars....You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
  • Don't frown. You never know who is falling in love with your smile.
  • What do you do when the only person who can make you stop crying is the person who made you cry?
  • Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.
Most people walk in and out of you life. But only True friends leave footprints in your heart.
Send this on to everyone special in your life, even the people who really make you mad sometimes. Whether we realize it or not, everyone we know is very special to us.
When we look back on our younger years, we will  remember the people who went to school with us, the people who made us laugh, the people who hung out with us when nobody else would, and the  people who made our lives much better simply by being a part of it.
There may be somebody who is thinking about you RIGHT NOW and wishing that you were around. That's the wonderful thing about friendship-you always feel loved and cared about.
The most important thing to remember is... Always appreciate the friends that you have.
A fight may come and go very easily, but a friendship could last forever. 
For every second spent in anger, a minute of happiness is wasted.  So send this to your friends and let them know that you care.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Manish Slideshow

Manish Slideshow: "TripAdvisor™ TripWow ★ Manish Slideshow ★ to Noida. Stunning free travel slideshows on TripAdvisor"

Friday, March 11, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

List of Best CEO

The World's 30 Best CEOs
1 Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway)
2 Kenneth Chenault (American Express)
3 George David (United Technologies)
4 Charlie Ergen (EchoStar)
5 Larry Fink (BlackRock)
6 Lew Frankfort (Coach)
7 Richard Fuld (Lehman Brothers)
8 Fred Goodwin (Royal Bank of Scotland)
9 Jeffrey Immelt (General Electric)
10 Satoru Iwata (Nintendo)
11 Steven Jobs (Apple)
12 Henning Kagermann (SAP)
13 Richard Kovacevich (Wells Fargo)
14 A G Lafley (Procter & Gamble)
15 Terry Leahy (Tesco)
16 John Mackey (Whole Foods)
17 Lakshmi Mittal (Arcelor Mittal)
18 Allan Moss (Macquaire Bank)
19 Angelo Mozilo (Countrywide Financial)
20 Rupert Murdoch (News Corp)
21 Michael O'Leary (Ryanair Holdings)
22 Franck Ribould (Groupe Danone)
23 Peter Rose (Expeditor International)
24 Steven Roth (Vornado Realty)
25 James Schiro (Zurich Financial)
26 Bob Simpson (XTO Energy)
27 James Sinegal (Costco Wholesale)
28 Fred Smith (FedEx)
29 Ratan Tata (Tata Steel)
30 Jong-Yong Yun (Samsung Electronics)
31 Dinesh Aggarwal (IndiaMArt Limited)